An observation of Cook
By Capt. Tony
far as sea conditions go on the great Cook Inlet, she can be as flat
glassy calm as any pond you have ever seen. It can last for days, at
times. And those days are so beautiful and awe-inspiring that they will
always be remembered. She can also be quite the opposite, and at the drop
of a hat, it seems. We are allowed by her to ride her back, and take the
bounty she holds. In return, her only demand is respect, and that, we must
all graciously give her. She does not care about you, or me, or whether we
catch any fish. Every fish that comes aboard is a gift. We take what she
gives, and for that we should all be thankful. If she wants to fight, she
will always win, and much of a battle it is not.
Fishing is just that. Fishing.
Alaska, and Cook Inlet in general, is probably one of the best spots to
fish in the world, But every day on this body of water, is completely
different than the day before. One never knows what surprise mother nature
might throw into the picture. You pay your money, and you take your
chances. The trick…. is to get on board with a good attitude, and just
plan on having fun. Take in the beauty and power of this awesome place,
because who knows…. You may never get a chance to do it again.